Sharp had seven patents in ecommerce during Q2 2024. Sharp Corp’s patents in Q2 2024 focus on technology related to analyzing posted data for advertising spaces, detecting behaviors of individuals interacting with merchandise, and displaying content based on attributes and operations of users. The inventions include an acquirer and analyzer for matching posted data with advertisements, an information processing device for generating additional information based on user behavior, and a display control device for selecting and displaying content based on user attributes and operations. GlobalData’s report on Sharp gives a 360-degree view of the company including its patenting strategy. Buy the report here.

Sharp had no grants in ecommerce as a theme in Q2 2024.

Recent Patents

Application: Advertisement management system and advertisement management method (Patent ID: US20240185303A1)

The patent filed by Sharp Corp describes an advertisement management system that includes an acquirer to obtain posted data related to advertising spaces or periods where advertisements are displayed, and an analyzer to determine the degree of match between elements in the posted data and the advertisement. The system also involves a processor to calculate the price for displaying the advertisement based on the matching degree, and the ability to identify which advertisement corresponds to the posted data in the advertising space.

Additionally, the system can calculate the matching degree based on factors such as the time and location of photo data acquisition, the features of the photo data, the time and location of posting the data, and the keywords related to the advertisement. The method can be executed by a computer and involves acquiring posted data related to advertising spaces or periods and calculating the matching degree between elements in the posted data and the advertisement.

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