All articles by GlobalData Technology

GlobalData Technology

GlobalData is the market leader in providing actionable insight into the technology industry. With market analysts in 18 countries around the world, along with a team of researchers and consultants, we can provide you with the reliable, in-depth industry information you need.

Samsung Galaxy Ring could be a market disruptor

Samsung’s decision to eschew the subscription model could be a significant differentiator, appealing to consumers who prefer a one-time purchase.

Türkiye ambitions as regional data centre hub boosted by Turkcell

Turkcell currently provides cloud and data hosting services for more than 3,000 local and international businesses, boasting eight data centres and an active white space of 36,500 square meters – the largest of any Turkish operator.

Initiatives by IoT providers reflect commitment to capturing growth

Sustainability and energy efficiency are now crucial focal points for IoT service providers.

Who’s winning in the LLM wars?

The term LLM was largely unheard of before the end of 2022, which makes its explosive growth and mega investments both startling and somewhat overwhelming.

AT&T in the crosshairs after a massive breach of customer data

AT&T disclosed this month that the call and text records of 109 million cellular customers had been unlawfully downloaded from a third-party provider’s Snowflake’s cloud. The company allegedly paid hackers $370,000 to delete the records.

CrowdStrike fiasco shows enterprises need to rethink software updates

Enterprises need to consider putting the brakes on automatic updating and moving to a process where IT is more involved and in the path of approval.

How US carriers attempt to control customer churn

Carriers face mounting pressure to retain customers approaching the end of their device upgrade cycles.

The evolving battle for SMB telecoms business

Key market developments of the last quarter underline the importance for telecoms service providers to move up the value chain to optimise the SMB market opportunity.

Orange Business Insights 2024: Focus on AI and value-added services

Orange Business is focusing on greater customisation abilities, and transferring its heritage and know-how of the French domestic market into the rest of Europe, MENA and beyond. 

Proximus and Colt trial new API proof of concept

Software defined network managed services can be set up across multiple networks in an automated way.