Cloud Software Group had 28 patents in cybersecurity during Q1 2024. Citrix Systems Inc has filed patents for systems and methods to recommend updated network security rules based on changes in network data, a computer system for generating trust relationship graphs between user accounts, directing messages to a web portal account, establishing trust in certificates based on remote user sessions, and improving user experience with remote browser applications by pre-caching content for immediate display and interaction. GlobalData’s report on Cloud Software Group gives a 360-degree view of the company including its patenting strategy. Buy the report here.

Cloud Software Group grant share with cybersecurity as a theme is 39% in Q1 2024. Grant share is based on the ratio of number of grants to total number of patents.

Recent Patents

Application: Recommending network security rule updates based on changes in the network data (Patent ID: US20240106867A1)

The patent filed by Citrix Systems Inc. describes a system and method for recommending updated network security rules based on changes in network data. The solution involves establishing security rules for a network environment, detecting changes in entities, attributes, or values within the network, generating updated rules based on these changes, applying the updated rules to previous network traffic, and recommending the use of updated rules if they are more effective than the previous rules. The method includes monitoring network data, comparing updated states with prior states, and determining the effectiveness of the updated rules. The system comprises processors that perform these functions, including monitoring a value graph representing the network environment and providing visual comparisons of rule effectiveness.

The patent claims detail the specific steps involved in the method, such as detecting changes in entities, attributes, or values, generating updated rules based on these changes, and applying them to network traffic. The claims also cover aspects like comparing updated states with prior states, determining rule effectiveness, and providing recommendations for using updated rules. The system described in the claims includes processors that monitor network data, generate updated rules, and provide visual comparisons of rule effectiveness. Overall, the patent outlines a comprehensive system and method for enhancing network security through the dynamic recommendation and application of updated security rules based on changes in the network environment.

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