All articles by Kris Cooper

Kris Cooper

Startup profiles from across the “rapidly evolving” connected vehicles industry

A new report identifies connected vehicles as an emerging trend, with a number of key startups shaping the market.

A pint of IoT: how the internet of things is helping brewing

IoT is being used in the beer industry for purposes like optimising quality, tracking deliveries and monitoring stock.

Q&A: what is asset tokenisation, and why is it on the rise?

The tokenisation of real-world assets using blockchain can unlock a host of new opportunities for businesses and individuals.

AI central to cloud services market as platform-as-a-service growth rate increase on the horizon – report

GlobalData’s report finds rising competition within the cloud market to provide AI platforms and services.

Q&A: what would orbiting nuclear weapons mean for the space economy?

Following news of Russia’s potential capacity for an orbiting nuclear weapon, GlobalData analysts unpack the potential consequences.

Is new technology making cars less secure?

A rise in keyless car thefts in London emphasizes the automotive industry’s need to address cybersecurity.

Generative AI in 2024: expect deals, killer apps and scandal say analysts

GlobalData analysts have discussed significant GenAI partnerships and predictions for the industry in the coming year.

US and China “neck and neck” in quantum computing

In the US, private companies are leading quantum computing development, while in China it is being driven by state institutions.

Why is New York City set to regulate delivery e-bikes?

NYC’s new department of sustainable delivery will improve worker safety but will increase costs for food service industry.