
Automated continuous testing platforms: Introduction

With the increasing adoption of automated continuous testing, the options for buyers have become more numerous.

Many businesses striving to maintain a competitive edge and gain advantages are using this digital tool to enhance and further their enterprise operations.

Automated continuous testing has quickly become an integral component of both continuous integration and continuous delivery.

This ensures that software products are reliable, functional, and ready for deployment at any given moment, something companies need and want.

Our buyer’s guide is an overview for buyers, advising them on what to look for when searching for continuous automation testing platforms.

Though useful for a range of companies, it is particularly useful for businesses and professionals looking to integrate these systems into their development pipeline.

Understanding automated continuous testing

Automated continuous testing is the process of executing automated tests as part of the software delivery pipeline.

Designed to obtain immediate feedback on the business risks associated with a software release candidate, this is now a digital tool that is widely used.  

In addition to being a critical element of both continuous integration and continuous delivery automation testing, it also enables teams to detect issues early and often. In turn, this reduces the cost and time to fix them.

Who can benefit from our automated continuous testing Buyer’s Guide

Our buyer’s guide offers useful information for a range of industries researching the benefits of implementing automated continuous testing platforms. These include but are not limited to technology, finance, healthcare, retail, and manufacturing.

Professionals such as software developers, quality assurance engineers, and IT operations teams will find particular value within.

This includes our information about how these platforms can me used and maximized to help businesses achieve a more streamlined, efficient, and error-free software development lifecycle.

Key features to look for in automation testing platforms

Each business has individual priorities and requirements from its digital ecosystem, including its automation testing platforms.

Though there may be a wide range of bespoke considerations for buyers, some of the most important, perhaps even essential, features to consider include, but are not limited to:

Integration capabilities

Integration with existing digital ecosystems is something of a necessity.

All automation testing platforms should offer this seamless integration capability with all existing digital tools. These include continuous integration and test automation, such as Jenkins, Travis CI, or CircleCI.


Automation testing platforms must be able to scale as your business grows.

Software should always be equipped to handle an increasing volume of tests without compromising performance, and it must be agile as well as reliable.

Comprehensive Reporting

For businesses, reports can be a gold mine of information.

Detailed reports and analytics are not only important for tracking the progress and effectiveness of your testing efforts, they are repositories of critical data that can enhance your decision making processes.

Test Environment Management

Managing and configuring multiple test environments is essential for accurate and efficient testing.

High-performing automation testing platforms should offer a wide range of options for these processes.

Support for Multiple Testing Types

Testing capabilities are one of the most pivotal considerations when looking at these platforms.

Buyers should establish and ensure any considered platform supports a variety of testing types, including unit, integration, system, and acceptance testing.

Ease of Use

Having a user-friendly interface and a straightforward setup process is key.

This can enable your team to adopt the platform with minimal disruption and make the learning period short and efficient.

Leading automated continuous testing platforms

As the usage of automated continuous testing platforms has increased, so has the number of suppliers now populating the marketplace.

With this in mind, we have compiled a list of some of the current industry-leading solutions that offer a wide range of benefits:

  • Selenium
  • Jenkins
  • Travis CI
  • CircleCI
  • Bamboo
  • TeamCity
  • GitLab CI/CD
  • Bitbucket Pipelines
  • CodeShip
  • Azure DevOps
  • TestComplete
  • Ranorex Studio
  • BlazeMeter
  • Sauce Labs
  • BrowserStack

Latest technological advancements in automated continuous testing

As software development continues to evolve the way our digital ecosystems work and perform, buyers need to keep these advances in focus during their procurement process.

Some of the latest advancements in automated continuous testing platforms include, but are not limited to:

  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning are being leveraged to predict potential issues before they arise, enhancing the predictive capabilities of testing platforms.
  • Cloud-based solutions are becoming increasingly popular, offering scalability and flexibility that on-premises solutions cannot match.
  • Integration of Internet of Things (IoT) devices into testing scenarios is also a growing trend, reflecting the need to test software across an ever-expanding array of devices and platforms.

Automation testing platforms: Our conclusion

Selecting the right automated continuous testing is a decision that can have a significant impact on businesses.

Using digital tools and online platforms to enhance the efficiency and success of your software development efforts can be key, making automation testing platforms highly valuable.

Buyers should maintain a focus on the most important features we have discussed including integration capabilities, scalability, comprehensive reporting, test environment management, support for multiple testing types, and ease of use.

Ensuring that your chosen solution meets the demands of your business and industry is central to your selection process.


  • Selenium:
  • Jenkins:
  • Travis CI:
  • CircleCI:
  • Bamboo:
  • TeamCity:
  • GitLab CI/CD:
  • Bitbucket Pipelines:
  • CodeShip:
  • Azure DevOps:
  • TestComplete:
  • Ranorex Studio:
  • BlazeMeter:
  • Sauce Labs:
  • BrowserStack:
