All articles by GlobalData Thematic Intelligence

GlobalData Thematic Intelligence

GlobalData is the market leader in providing actionable insight into the world's biggest industries. With market analysts in 18 countries around the world, along with a team of researchers and consultants, we can provide you with the reliable, in-depth industry information you need.

AI: The double-edged sword in the world of ransomware

As AI will be wielded by both defenders and attackers, questions are raised about who will ultimately benefit the most.

The potential of 3D printing in drug development and delivery

3D printing will be extensively adopted across various aspects of healthcare in the next ten years.

The state of AI in Latin America

According to the OECD, seven Latin American countries have either developed or are in the process of developing a national AI strategy.

How Paris plans to host the most sustainable Olympics to date

The city’s pledge to host the greenest Olympics in history includes the target of halving the average total carbon emissions produced by the most recent editions of the Games.

Ways to belay flight delays, at home and away

Air travel delays are costly, irritating, and often unavoidable. But certain technologies may hold the key.

What does England men’s football remind you of?

England’s recent Euro’s performance is reminiscent of Netscape’s struggles in the 1990s. Is there hope for either of them?

Is there another way to reduce reoffending rates?

Building a system that reduces the level of reoffending will be a major challenge but a worthwhile one.

The dead internet theory: The rise of bot-to-bot interactions

Cybersecurity company Imperva estimates that just under half of all internet traffic in 2023 was generated by bots.

China has critical minerals assets: Copper and nickel

China is the largest refiner of copper and will account for a forecast 46% of the market in 2030.

Forever young: De-aging AI in film 

If AI de-aging becomes the norm, movie stars would be stripped of their sense of growth as actors—a feeling to which fans often cling lovingly